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Graphic Design Work

A well-rounded designer works in various areas of design. 


Throughout my years of student design education digital media and visual arts have played a large role. Therefore,  my graphic design work is presented throughout my portfolio, in their respective years.  


If you wish to specifically view only my digital work, click on the titles below


-Jenna Dickensheets            


Featured Work

Portraits- "2D Watson" 



Imitation is the best form of flattery. This artistic rendering was inspired by celebrity Emma Watson. Using only the pen tool, various brushes, and gradient mesh this 2D image utilizes the fundamentals of Illustrator.


Created with Adobe Illustrator.

Interior Design Concept Board


These concept boards were created to sell clients on the designer's vision for their space.   The first of the two was for a project in coordination with the Property Brothers and the second was intended for a residential client.


Created with Adobe Photoshop

InDesign Layouts


Print media layouts designed as concept work for a fictitious bridal magazine. All images were outsourced from copyright free locations.


Created with Adobe Indesign

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