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Client Textile Board


For this assignent, we were given a common design style and directed to play off of it by adding another design theme. Then we were directed to create a bedroom design for our chosen clients, and demonstrate a sample board of all the necessary textiles found in our designs.


Design Concept: Italian Inspired Modern


The final product features a modern design style with italian design inspiration. Along with the chosen textiles, a neutral with an accent color scheme was added  based off of modern italian design.


Feautured in the bedroom sketch are a bed with storage both in the frame as well as the head board, floor lamp, curtains, sitting chair, and decorative artwork.


The color scheme chosen is displayed on the lower left hand corner of the board and utalizes dark brown shades for the wood in the furniture, light bieige grey shades for the wall color, warm toned beige for the bedding as well as a cool toned taupe to provide an accent color in both bedding and upholstery. 


Finished products were then presented in groups to an audience of peers in a gallery style manner.


This was done in a collaborative effort with designers Jovana Tomic and Sydney Milic. 

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